Monday, July 28, 2008

Jester Hat Off for a Moment of Silence

I was going to write a post about today's question box sermon and today's river service.
Unfortunately, I find myself preoccupied with the tragedy in Knoxville, TN.

Our UU family is a small one.
A friend and colleague's mother is a member of that congregation and was there today.
A retired colleague I hold most dear was in attendance there this morning.
A member of my congregation has a cousin who is a leader at that congregation.
None of them were hurt. Seven others were. Two were killed (so far...)

I keep thinking of the man who put himself between the shooter and the children (and his family.)
And the people who placed themselves in front of the door to the nursery.
And the people who jumped on the shooter and subdued him.

I wonder if I would have been that brave. I wonder if I would have made that sacrifice.

I'd like to think I would.
I'd like to think, even more, that I will never have to...

...that no one should ever have to.

My other thoughts and feelings aren't worthy of repeating out loud or on the page.
The sermon prologue will wait.

Right now, there is grieving and tending to be done.


Anonymous said...

I knew the woman who was killed--her husband used to be an active member of my old home church. They moved out to Knoxville just a year or two ago. Grieving and tending along with you, Craig.

Lori Hlaban said...

And another colleague (David Pyle) says this is where he first worshipped as a UU...