Sunday, August 17, 2008

You're a What? - Sermon Prologue

Many thanks to Jess Cullinan for graciously allowing me to use her post as a part of the sermon.

My old "elevator speech":

Unitarian Universalists believe everyone has the right to their own spiritual path
the responsibility to help one another find those paths and live them with authenticity and integrity.

My new answers to the questions:

We’re a what?

We are Unitarian Universalists,
and we are saving lives, deepening our spirits,
healing the world,
and building the beloved community
we all hope, dream, and long for.

What do we believe?

We believe in people, ALL people.
We believe in freedom AND responsibility.
We believe in faith AND reason.l
We believe in the rights and the wisdom the individual (the still small voce within)
and in the larger whole to which we each belong (beyond our knowing.)

And we believe that learning to be comfortable
in the space between the apparent opposites
is the secret to peace on earth,
and good will towards all.

So… You’re a what?

We’re Unitarian Universalists.

What’s that?

It’s a religion I’m proud to be a part of.
It’s a faith that brings people together and inspires us to be better.
It’s a belief in the family of all living things, and a hope for a world made healthy and whole.
It’s my religious home, and I’d be happy to tell you why, what it means to me—if you’d like to know.

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