Well, after some thought and some self-training, I've decided to tumble into the blogosphere.
This isn't my first time dipping my curly-toed shoes into the water, but it is the first time I've done so with no intention of maintaining any semblance of anonymity.
So, who am I?
Well, feel free to check out my profile-- I've tried to list as many interesting tidbits as I could. Little bits of triva-- each a story waiting to be told (each a hundred stories, most likely).
What am I doing here?
I'm speaking the truth. No, not the Truth. Well, maybe some Truth.
It is hard not to while wearing the full motley. Kind of goes with the job description, really.
Which job description? Both of them, of course.
This is my place to tell you the truth I think you need to hear (read?)-- or at least the truth I need to tell (write?).
In honor of the Universal Fool, I will try to tell them in a way that can be heard-- usually with stories and humor.
(Though be forewarned, many a Jester had a biting tongue-- when they weren't biting their tongue.)
Because it is the foolish thing to do, of course.
Because I have an abundance of ego and a shortage of common sense, most likely.
Because we are all Kings and Queens.... and Fools.... and the world is waiting to tell, waiting to hear our truths.
"Who is more the Fool? The Fool, or the one that follows him."
(or reads him, in this case.)